Course Description
This course is designed to target both the beginner and the intermediate learner. This course will teach how to use Unity to develop virtual environments that can be used in many applications. In this course, you will receive an overview of the basic functionality of Unity, and how to start your first project.
Course Curriculum
Startunity basics - 00 - introduction (0:46)
Startunity basics - 01 - unity website (0:48)
Startunity basics - 02 - made with (0:37)
Startunity basics - 03 - forum (2:50)
Startunity basics - 04 - answers (2:18)
Startunity basics - 05 - documentation (1:05)
Startunity basics - 06 - assset store and selling (3:06)
Startunity basics - 07 - unity hub download (1:43)
Startunity basics - 08 - install unity hub and unity app (2:17)
Startunity basics - 09 - new project in unity (4:02)
Startunity basics - 10 - getting started (0:25)
Startunity basics - 11 - importing 3d game kit assets (5:07)
Startunity basics - 12 - creating a cube and sphere (1:34)
Startunity basics - 13 - interface panels (0:46)
Startunity basics - 14 - navigating controls (4:18)
Startunity basics - 16 - toolbar tools (6:28)
Startunity basics - 17 - toolbar buttons (2:34)
Startunity basics - 18 - project window (4:27)
Startunity basics - 20 - scene panel (10:47)
Startunity basics - 21 - game panel (5:45)
Startunity basics - 22 - hierarchy panel (6:50)
Startunity basics - 22 - inspector panel (6:47)
Startunity basics - 23 - workspace layout (5:04)
Startcode - 01 - c- and net (1:50)
Startcode - 00 - what you will learn (0:30)
Startcode - 02 - ide options (1:57)
Startcode - 03 - install visual studio (2:39)
Startcode - 04 - project 1 import (4:35)
Startcode - 05 - project 2 import (2:33)
Startcode - 06 - project 3 import and fix (2:57)
Startcode - 07 - console (6:48)
Startcode - 08 - resolving problems (6:11)
Startcode - 09 - basics of a script (3:21)
Startcode - 10 - folder setup (1:54)
Startcode - 11 - syntax PART 1 (2:01)
Startcode - 11 - syntax PART 2 - 50sec in (8:53)
Startcode - 12 - debug and string (9:36)
Startcode - 13 - variable type (9:33)
Startcode - 14 - array (5:16)
Startcode - 15 - list (3:57)
Startcode - 16 - array list in inspector (4:25)
Startcode - 17 - enum (5:04)
Startcode - 18 - variable attributes part 2 (4:33)
Startcode - 18 - variable attributes (6:27)
Startcode - 19 - code example scene setup (3:06)
Startcode - 20 - arithmetic (5:54)
Startcode - 21 - shorthand arithmetic (2:36)
Startcode - 22 - conditional - if else (5:50)
Startcode - 23 - conditional - if else if (6:06)
Startcode - 24 - conditional ternary (4:03)
Startcode - 25 - multi conditional (4:45)
Startcode - 26 - switch case basics (5:56)
Startcode - 27 - switch case enum (4:11)
Startcode - 28 - loop basics (6:45)
Startcode - 29 - nested loop (3:24)
Startcode - 30 - while loop (3:42)
Startcode - 31 - random class (2:03)
Startcode - 32 - foreach (4:15)
Startcode - 33 - method structure (3:52)
Startcode - 34 - method and parameter (2:22)
Startcode - 35 - method overloading (3:45)
Startcode - 36 - method return values (3:58)
Startcode - 37 - wrap up (0:24)
StartSupport Files
Start0 - 2d game - intro (0:23)
Start1 - 2d game - unity setup (3:11)
Start2 - 2d game - project download (3:50)
Start3 - 2d game - ui setup (3:10)
Start4 - 2d game - explore the project (4:55)
Start5 - 2d game - first level setup (3:05)
Start6 - 2d game - level tiles (5:34)
Start7 - 2d game - moving pad (5:13)
Start8 - 2d game - door and pad (5:18)
Start9 - 2d game - door and switch (2:00)
Start10 - 2d game - enemies (4:43)
Start11 - 2d game - pushable box and damager (3:38)
Start12 - 2d game - teleporter position and scene (6:07)
Start13 - 2d game - acid and spikes (2:45)
Start14 - 2d game - player prep (2:47)
Start15 - 2d game - player swap (5:37)
Start16 - 2d game - level layout (5:46)
Start17 - 2d game - level prep (3:08)
Start18 - 2d game - ground (10:00)
Start19 - 2d game - dropship (3:08)
Start20 - 2d game - destructables and pushers (6:05)
Start21 - 2d game - movers (4:07)
Start22 - 2d game - doors (7:24)
Start23 - 2d game - door keys (5:41)
Start24 - 2d game - clean up and code fix (5:03)
Start25 - 2d game - level clean up (2:25)
Start26 - 2d game - walk through (2:07)
Start27 - 2d game - enemies (9:44)
Start28 - 2d game - decor setup (1:45)
Start29 - 2d game - decor (22:11)
Start30 - 2d game - decor (29:30)
Start31 - 2d game - decor (22:41)
Start32 - 2d game - decor (17:48)
Start33 - 2d game - lighting (10:34)
Start34 - 2d game - trigger animation script 1 (6:21)
Start35 - 2d game - trigger animation script 2 (1:49)
Start36 - 2d game - build and wrapup (2:38)
Start37 - 2d game - gameplay walk through (2:23)
Get started now!
Your Instructor
Chad Walker has been a dedicated professional in the video game industry for over 26 years, combining his gifts in art, coding, and design to create innovative works that reflect his deep faith. He is passionate about using his talents to bring light and hope to the industry, mentoring the next generation of Kingdom Game Developers who share a vision for integrating faith with creativity. Through his work, Chad seeks to inspire others to listen for God’s guidance in their creations and to partner with Him in bringing transformative experiences to the world of gaming.
Chad is deeply committed to his faith and family. He is blessed to walk this journey with his wife, Chelsea Walker, whom he cherishes and alongside whom he continues to serve.